Sunday, September 21, 2008

Kittitas county fair!

We attended the county fair last year, but now that we've been here for a year and know the town and more people, we had a lot more fun this year.

My fair highlight this year was working the Pampered Chef booth. I took Thursday and Friday afternoon off from work and enjoyed watching people, saying "hi" to friends and meeting new people as they perused through the Home Economics building. Business-wise the time was well spent, too. My only misery was the temptation of the pastry contest items displayed across from my booth. Smelled sooo good!

Since I got into the fair free both days, Graham and the kids met me Friday night after my shift. We enjoyed some unhealthy fair food then rode the Ferris wheel, the super slide and a kids roller coaster that Gideon ended up getting off after the first trip around the track. We'll try that one again next year. :)

Hannah, of course loved seeing all the animals. She wasn't so fond of the cows, but loved the horsies. As you can read to the right, Gideon only enjoyed a select few of the animals, but went along anyway with ears covered or his nose plugged. The ride the kids enjoyed the most was the bumper cars. Even though we ran out of tickets to actually ride them, they loved just watching everybody crash into each other and laugh. Two weeks later and Hannah still talks about the 'bumpy cars.'

The fair ran through Monday, so after Hannah's party, we decided to go back so we could see the Frontier Village (which closed before we got there Friday) and the animals again (per Hannah's request). Since it was the last few hours of the last day, we got in free again. Woohoo!

Hannah's 2nd b-day!

Believe it or not, our little Miss Hannah turned two on September 1st. What's even harder to believe is that both of her birthdays have been in Ellensburg. This year, though, we actually had enough friends to have a party!

It worked out great because her birthday fell on Labor Day, so I had the day off to just enjoy the day. For the party, we had about 12 kids and several parents. We didn't do a theme, but decided to just do activities that she enjoys. The night before, she and I baked cupcakes, then at the party, all the kids got to decorate their own cakes with various colors of frosting and toppings.

For the party favors, we gave each child a bottle of bubbles and blew hundreds of bubbles in the back yard, followed by a rousing game of ring around the rosy. Hannah and the kids loved it!

Gifts included some adorable clothes, "hair pretties," a princess piano, a Mr. Potato Head, a magnetic fishing set, a play dough set and some books. From earlier parties and family she also got a rocking horse, tons of play food, talking "Little Einsteins" dolls and a bug-themed place setting. She loves it all!

Hannah is becoming quite an amazing little girl. I have to share that during the Sunday school class promotion ceremony, her teacher shared with everyone how much she would miss her and that Hannah was one of the smartest 2 year-olds she'd ever known. It was so sweet. Hannah continues to impress us daily with her speech, sense of humor, athleticism and love for life. We feel so blessed to have her in our family.

Graham's day in Seattle/Dave's visit

In mid-August, our cool friend, Dave Richard, visited us from Northridge, California. He arrived on an early morning flight in Seattle, so I took the day off so Graham could pick him up and have a day out in the big city.

From the stories and pictures, I could tell they had a blast. They had coffee at the original Starbucks, saw a Mariners baseball game, went to the top of the Space Needle and to the Jimmy Hendrix Museum and saw the guys throwing fish at Pike's Market.

I, too, enjoyed playing stay-at-home mom for the day, and arranged a picnic at the park with my friend Kari (a.k.a. LJ and Jack's mommy) and her kids. There's just something that makes the day even more special when you know you would otherwise be at work. :)

Space Cadet Dave beneath the Space Needle

Seattle, Quest and Safeco Fields, Mt. Rainier in the distance. (As always, click to enlarge.)

Experience Music/Hendrix Museum guitar art

Dave at Starbucks store No. 1. (Not Dave's car.)

Safeco Field, home of the Mariners, who beat the A's that night

Front row, noose-bleed seats. Life is good.

Four generations

A few days before Graham's parents and Marijke continued their journey to Minnesota, my mom and grandparents came to Ellensburg for my grandfather's high school reunion (if you remember, he graduated from Ellensburg High many, many years ago).

Four generations: the ladies

During their visit, we were able to hear many stories about Ellensburg as it used to be, and take a tour of town to see where they lived, shopped and worked. One place my grandfather worked was the radio station where he's treated like a celebrity every time he visits. They pull out old pictures of him and his little big band, and describe the set up of the station and how everything was done live. We all went along for this year's annual visit and had a great time. Thanks KXLE for being great hosts!

Grandaddy at his old stompin' grounds

KXLE station manager Steve

Steve let Gideon talk into the big microphone and then played around with the recording
(Click to play)

Snoqualmie Falls

During the visit from Grandpa and Grandma Moes and Auntie Marijke, we visited a small town just east of Seattle called Snoqualmie Falls. This quaint little town features fun shops, beautiful nature and best of all, the train museum and railroad. It was here that Gideon's ultimate dream came true: to ride a real train!

After about an hour ride and a trip to the candy store/ice cream shop, we drove down to the falls for which the town is named. Enjoy the photos!

Heading for the caboose with Auntie Mikey

We've gotta a ticket to ride!

Mommy & Hannah enjoying the ride

Grandma & Grandpa at the falls.

Snoqualmie Falls