Saturday, November 10, 2007

Oh, how they grow!

I usually put short updates on the kids to the right, but this week, the list got so long, I decided to dedicate an entire entry to their accomplishments.

First of all, Gideon is using the bathroom all by himself (did I just see a cow fly by?)! And most of the time it's unannounced. He just goes upstairs, does his thing, flushes, washes his hands, and then comes down and tells us. It's awesome!!! (see video below). This morning, he put his socks on by himself, too.

The kids are also learning some sign language. I started taking an ASL class and thought it would be fun to teach the family some signs, too. Gidders thinks it's funny when, "Mommy talks with her hands," but he loves it. As of yesterday, he can sign "I want some milk, please." He also made up a few signs of his own (wrapping your arms around yourself means "cereal," and putting your arms out and shaking your hands means "tracks"). Hannah signs "all done" every time she finishes eating or after we change her diaper. It's so cute!

Hannah's verbal communication has also flourished. She copies everything we say and can now say so many words: kitty cat, jump, thank you, red, hi, dada, cracker, duck and attempts "Gideon." She can also tell you what a kitty cat and a cow say (although sometimes she gets them mixed up). Her best expression is, "I did it!" (see other video below).

Even though she can't say everything, Hannah definitely gets her point across. In the morning we give her a choice of cereal and she lets us know what kind she wants by either shaking her head "no" or reaching out when it's the one she wants. Her level of understanding has really increased, too. The other day she put on some sunglasses and I told her to go show Daddy without pointing or guiding her in his direction. She immediately turned around, walked down the hall and found him in the other room. Graham said she even had a look on her face like, "look how cute I am, Daddy!"

Oh, I can't forget to mention that she occasionally prays before she eats, without prompting. It's so adorable. She doesn't close her eyes, but she folds her little hands and says something to the extent of, "ba loop ba slee tap pay la koso sa leep" (no, I'm not teaching her Japanese prayers).

It's such a joy to watch our children grow and learn. Everyone we talk to says it goes by so fast, enjoy the moment. So that's what we're doing, trying to focus on the fun aspects of being parents and journaling their special moments. Thanks for letting me share them with you.


NatureGirl said...

Awww! How CUTE! I love reading about their accomplishments. Congratulations for going on the toilet, Gideon!

Dorina Gilmore said...

Meilani & I loved watching the videos of our friends. We're working on talking, signing and potty training right now too so it's fun to hear your adventures and success.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Dorina for the Gilmores

hmmm... said...

Love the blog. Hannah is so cute and so much like Evelyn! (especially with the "Mmmm" for the cow and the "All done!" - Evelyn's favorite phrase for finishing everything from reading books to talking to Mom on the phone) They are such a crack up.


KK said...

You have no idea how many times I've come back to watch these videos when I need a Moes fix! :)