After $200+, many many forms and several visits to various government offices, it's now official. We now have Washington driver's licenses and Kittitas County library cards, and our license plates portray Mt. Ranier! We're also now insured, but have yet to figure out who our doctors will be. It's amazing how long all of this takes, but it sure makes the move realistic.
So becoming Washingtonians also requires getting some warm clothes (my colleagues have been making fun of me because I'm constantly wearing my coat and what I call my "Fresno winter" clothes). Because we all need everything, we decided to start at the second-hand stores in hopes of finding some good deals. We weren't as successful as I had hoped, but got some great winter play clothes for the kids. Graham got an "Ellensburg Rodeo" hat for $2 and I found a cute, black top. But, it looks like we're going to have to make a trip to Yakima for some serious winter shopping.
We also stopped in at the local library to check it out and get our cards. They have a great kids section including a train table which Gideon spotted instantly. The only way we could get him to leave was to show him that we had rented "Baby Van Gough," his favorite Baby Einstein video at Grandma and Grandpa Moes' house.