Sunday, September 2, 2007

Hannah's first birthday!

Even though we had two parties before we left, we still had to celebrate Hannah's birthday on the actual day (Sept. 1st). It just so happened to be the day of Labor Day parade, so we went to that in the morning then had a little party in the evening.

We decorated the house with some "happy birthday" streamers, a birthday tablecloth and a few balloons. I made a cake in a casserole dish with a "1" candle propped on the top. She loved it that's what matters.

She attempts walking more and more each day. And just yesterday, I watched her climb all the way up the stairs. I wasn't sure if I should punish or praise her for doing it, we just have to be so careful that she doesn't come tumbling down.


NatureGirl said...

I think she has grown since you left! =) The school campus is beautiful, too. It's green!

clk said...

I am so happy for you and your family. And it's also good to see another little one year old girl with no or little hair!!! Your situation reminds me so much of Heather in Canandaigua--small town, college town, little crime, etc. I think you will all be very happy there.

Love all the pics, and I am so glad you are doing the blog. Such a great idea.

clk said...

Sorry Roz, didn't sign that last one.

Garry J. Moes said...

Thanks, Roz, for the great reports and pictures. It sure gives us a feel for your new life and surroundings.

Unknown said...

Frau Moes! Alles sieht so super aus! Great idea with the blog (you are an example to us all in this regard, frankly saying!). And Happy Birthday to Hannah (she was born the same day as my sister, so it's a really special day!). Glad you have settled and a new life has started well. Will be looking forward to more happy postings!

Cheers from London, Dima.

P.S.: 100 students for you - piece of cake! You'll get to know them in no time and you know why? - cause you still remember most of us (FPU Int'l students) - so there you go!

hmmm... said...

Roz, love the blog! How beautiful it is there. And Hannah is so cute. Well, we both ended up in quaint, small town America. Who would have thunk it? I miss you guys!

Heather (Reba)

KK said...

That last picture of Hannah is one of the cutest I've ever seen of her, and cute pictures of Hannah are not hard to come by! XOXO

miss_mikey said...

Ok! I'm in love with it out there! the small town is soooo cute but ant the same time just georgeous! i think my favorite part is the guy in the grocery store with the grand kids and the barber shop quartet...does it get any cuter!!! i miss you all so much! give a squeeze and a kiss to the kidos! love ya!

p.s. thanks for mentioning i helped you move! just kidding! love you guys!