Friday, February 22, 2008

Farewell, Selmah!

Last Saturday I had to say farewell to my dear friend, Selmah, who decided to move back to Pennsylvania to be with her family. Her mother has been going through a very difficult medical situation, and it was taking a toll on Selmah to fly from coast to coast every few months.

I'm sure going to miss her, and it's unfortunate that we didn't get enough time to really get to know each other even better. But the times we had were great, and I'm thankful to have had her here these last 6 months.

Since her job was so similar to mine in some respects, I have now "adopted" her 20 exchange students and the role as Advisor to the International House (a dormitory on campus that is dedicated to international interests). I'm actually looking forward to getting to know the students on a non-business level, and since so many of my students live in the I-House, it should be a good opportunity for me to get to know more of them.

We love you, Selmah!!! :)

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