Thursday, January 31, 2008

House update

Big news, folks... After a looong process of looking, waiting and wondering, our latest offer on a house was finally accepted yesterday!

It's the one we call "The Ruby House" (because it's on Ruby St.) and is located in the middle of downtown (for you Fresnans, being downtown is a good thing in E-burg).

We originally made an offer about a month ago, but the house had only been on the market for a week at that point, they didn't bite. So last week, we decided to try again and see if they'd reconsider.

The cool thing is that they counter-offered at first, but when they heard we were going to counter, they decided to just take the original bid. Bottom line, we got it for $15,900 less than the asking price. Not bad, huh?

The house was built in 1910, so the wiring and systems need a close look.

Other than that, it's a cute, solid house with a lot of character and potential. It's technically a two bedroom/one bath, but the entire upstairs is one room, so we're going to put the kids up there to give them plenty of space to play.

It's got a HUGE laundry/utility room, a ton of kitchen cabinets, a decent amount of counter space, a separated one car garage and two unfinished rooms in the basement. So it's livable, but we already have a lengthy list of additions and upgrades, starting with paint and some kind of flooring to correct the ugliest kitchen linoleum on the planet.

The day we got the news was also the day of another big federal rate cut. The same day Graham says his investing hero Jim Cramer suggested going out and buying a house!

So this looks at this point like yet another instance of God timing our housing situation perfectly.

Our next step is to bring in the inspector. Should he find any major concerns, it's up to us to either agree to take care of them, or bow out of the deal. But if everything works out, we'll be moving in mid- to late March!

Now if we can just scrounge up some actual appliances somewhere...


Heather said...

That is GREAT for you guys! I hope the inspection turns out well too. Congrats!

Amanda said...

Congratulations! The house is so cute.

7 Twelve Youth Ministry said...

Congratulations!! That is awesome! We are going to be in Washington this summer for Chris's sister's wedding. Maybe we can connect while we are up there.

NatureGirl said...

Congrats! How exciting!!! I do have to say, however, that our linoleum is still uglier than yours. ;)

Dorina Gilmore said...

How exciting! Congrats on the new house. I look forward to reading future blogs about your moving adventures.