Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Happy 4th Birthday, Gideon!

Tuesday the 8th marked 4 years that Graham and my lives were changed forever: we become parents of Gideon Garrison. Although four years sounds like a long time, it seems like just yesterday that we rushed to the Clovis Community hospital only to wait eight hours for his arrival.

This birthday was the first one that he didn't celebrate with any extended family, but it was also the first party where a majority of the guests were kids. Considering we've only been here for four months, he had plenty of friends to invite. Half of the kids were from the neighborhood (Connor, Riley, Kayti & Jonathan) and the others were from church (Emily, Kiah, Bailey & Luke).

When planning the party details, Gideon came up with the theme "video games," so we rolled with it. One of the things the neighbor kids like to do when they come over is play our little 5-in-1 80's games consul which has Ms. Pac Man, Mappy, Galaga, Xevious and Poll Position. So, I baked a Pac Man and a Ghost cake (power pellets and all!) and we hooked up the consul for entertainment. It was a hit!

The party was last Saturday, so for his actual birthday, we decided to go out to lunch since I had to work, and that night was the first night of Awana. Gidders chose to go to "Old McDonald's" so he could get a strawberry sundae. Unfortunately the play area was closed for winter, but he had a great time anyway.

After lunch we had him open the gift we saved for his actual birthday, the Duplo "Cranky." He also got Calling All Engines from Uncle Dave and Auntie Brittany which he had been asking for for a year. He had a great time putting stickers on the card from Grandpa Harold and Gramma Sara, and sang along when Grandma Karlinda & Tante Mikey sang "Happy Birthday" over the phone.

It ended up being a great day, and I think this year he was old enough to realized how special and fun a birthday can be.


KK said...

He looks SO big, I can't believe it! Nathan would be proud to know that Gidders is also a big Mappy fan... By the way, those cakes are awesome! I'm going to comission you for my next birthday in June :)

Dorina Gilmore said...

Very cute. Love the Pacman cake. SO creative.